Sunday, October 28, 2018


There are three great technology sources that I would like to talk about today. Poll Everywhere, Popplet, and Dropbox are all great internet sources that can be used to enhance classroom experience and make an educator, or anyone's life for that matter, easier.
Poll Everywhere is a simple application that works well for live audiences using mobile devices, like phones. People participate by visiting a fast mobile-friendly web page for their event or sending text messages. I could implement this into my classroom by using it to help me teach my students about technology. One disadvantage to this source would be students using the source to play on the internet instead of completing the assignment. 
Popplet is a tool for the iPad and web to capture and organize your ideas. My students could use this resource to help them brainstorm. I could use it to help me plan and organize lessons. A disadvantage to this resource would be that students may not know how to use this site correctly and possibly put in the wrong information. 
Dropbox is a place where you can store information. I can use this in the classroom to store information about lessons and activities. One disadvantage to this resource would be possibly having computer issues and losing everything that was stored. 

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Mobile Devices

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