Saturday, December 1, 2018

Mobile Devices

In this module we have learned about different apps that can be used in the classroom by teachers and students. I found three of these apps very beneficial. The first app I would like to talk about is Kahoot which is used to make game shows for the students. All the teacher has to do is enter the questions she wants into the app and it turns it into a game. I could implement this into my future classroom by creating game shows for the students to play for certain subjects. A problem that may arise while using this technology tool would be technology not working.
The next app I would like to talk about is Seesaw. Seesaw is a place for student portfolios. Students can store and post their best work to share with their parents. Teachers can also discuss a student's strengths and weaknesses with their parents. I could use this in my future classroom to create student portfolios to keep parents involved in their child's work and progress. A challenge that could come about when using this app would parents being getting upset over something that was posted.
Teach Learn Lead is the last app I want to talk about. This app is like Facebook for teachers. Teachers from all over the country can get together and talk about lesson plan ideas or career advice. I could implement this into the classroom by asking for new ideas for lesson plans to use in the classroom. One problem that I may face with this app would be teachers having different lesson plans than me since it is from all over the country or teachers giving me the wrong advice.

Interactive Whiteboard Technology

In this module, there were three technology tools that helped me create an interactive whiteboard lesson. I did not use all of these tools but they will help me in the future when planning a whiteboard lesson for my students.
The first tool was Quizlet, which is a mobile and web-based study/assessment tool that can tremendously help students study and take quizzes. I used Quizlet in this module as an assessment tool. This will be an advantage in my future classroom because it can help me create study tools and assessments for my students. A problem that may occur would be technology not working or students trying to cheat on assessments.
The next tool that was beneficial to me was QuizEgg, a cross-platform, web-based assessment creator. I can use this tool in my classroom to create web-based assessments for the students. One challenge that I may face with this technology tool would be students trying to look at other things besides the assessment while taking it.
The third and final technology tool that could benefit me in my future classroom would be Prezi. Prezi is mostly like an upgraded PowerPoint presentation that has better effects. Prezi allows you to make presentations just like PowerPoint does, but it is web-based so you would have to use the Internet. A way to implement Prezi into the classroom is to make interactive whiteboard presentations with it. A challenge that may be faced when using Prezi would be the Internet or technology device that you are using not working. All in all these three tools would be very beneficial in the classroom.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Visual Learning

There are several technology tools in this module that are beneficial to technology users. I want to talk about three tools that I found were very useful. Those tools are, Flickr, Wordle, and Pinterest. As someone who does not use a lot of technology, I can tell you that these tools were easy to use and were a great source for portraying information. 
Flickr is an image and video hosting service. Photos and videos can be accessed without the need to register for an account, but an account must be made to upload content to the site. One way that this could be implemented into the lesson in a classroom would be teachers giving this as an option for use when students are assigned to create a presentation that involves photos or videos. On problem that may occur would be technology not working properly. 
Wordle is a visual depiction of the words contained in a piece of text. It is created by manipulating the words of an input text and arranging them into a kind of graphic. I could implement this into the classroom by having students create a wordle for a text as an assignment. A problem that could take place using this tool would be students using inappropriate words. 
Pinterest is an online service that allows you to share images through social networking. Students could create a Pinterest account and post pictures of the things we have learned about or created in the classroom. One problem that may occur would be students looking at things on Pinterest that they should not be looking at. 

Virtual Learning

Three technology tools that I learned about it this module that will help me in the future are: Skype, BigBlueButton, and Weebly. These technology tools are great for virtual learning and they can send a message to students by exercising their technology skills. As an educator, I could also use these sources in the classroom to help get information across to the students.
Skype allows users to have a spoken conversation with someone over the Internet using software application. In addition to standard telephone calling, Skype offers file transfers, texting, video chat, and videoconferencing. One way that I could implement Skype into the the classroom would be letting students make conference calls between each other as an assignment for a specific content area. One challenge that may arise with Skype would be students playing and talking about things other than what is required for the assignment.
BigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing system. In addition to various web conferencing services, it has integrations for many of the major learning and content management systems. I could implement BigBlueButton into the classroom by having the students do research on BigBlueButton and all of the ways it could be used. A challenge that may be faced would be the research getting out of hand or technology not working correctly.
Weebly is an American web-hosting service that features a "drag-and-drop" website builder. I could create an assignment based around a business that uses weebly for students to complete. They would have to create their business and use weebly as a source to help them out. On problem that could come about would be that the students do not know how to use this technology tool correctly.

Sunday, October 28, 2018


There are three great technology sources that I would like to talk about today. Poll Everywhere, Popplet, and Dropbox are all great internet sources that can be used to enhance classroom experience and make an educator, or anyone's life for that matter, easier.
Poll Everywhere is a simple application that works well for live audiences using mobile devices, like phones. People participate by visiting a fast mobile-friendly web page for their event or sending text messages. I could implement this into my classroom by using it to help me teach my students about technology. One disadvantage to this source would be students using the source to play on the internet instead of completing the assignment. 
Popplet is a tool for the iPad and web to capture and organize your ideas. My students could use this resource to help them brainstorm. I could use it to help me plan and organize lessons. A disadvantage to this resource would be that students may not know how to use this site correctly and possibly put in the wrong information. 
Dropbox is a place where you can store information. I can use this in the classroom to store information about lessons and activities. One disadvantage to this resource would be possibly having computer issues and losing everything that was stored. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Evaluation and Assessment

Three different technology tools that I came in contact with while studying this module are, Quizlet, Quia, and Actively Learn. These are great technology tools that can help teachers with evaluation and assessment for the students in their classroom.
Quizlet is a mobile web-based study application that allows students to study information via learning tools and games. I can implement this into the classroom by creating ways for students to study or help other classmates study, using this website. One challenge that may be faced when using this technology tool would be students trying to cheat and look up answers during a test.
Quia provides templates for creating 16 types of online activities using your own content a complete online testing system with automatic grading, immediate feedback, and detailed reporting, online surveys for gathering student and teacher feedback, class Web page creator to share Quia activities and class announcements with students and parents, access to millions of shared activities and quizzes in over 300 categories. I can implement this website into the instruction in the classroom by using this technology tool to create different study tools and assessments online. One problem that may arise when using this technology tool in the classroom would be students getting caught up playing games and doing the activities. This might distract them from their actual assignments or assessments. 
The last technology tool I want to talk about is Actively Learn. It makes it possible to define words in a text. It lets you hear the text aloud and it translates it. When reading independently through Actively Learn, students can choose from over 3,000 articles then rate or review material. Then you can take a comprehension quiz. I can implement this into the classroom by using it as a literacy source when I need students to read a certain text. The only problem that may be faced when using this technology tool would be students looking up inappropriate articles for their age.    

Sunday, October 14, 2018


In this module, module four, we have been talking about many different technology tools that can be very useful in the classroom. The three tools that I want to talk about today are YouTube, Prezi, and TeacherTube. These three technology tools are great resources to use to help get information through to students in the classroom.
YouTube is a sight that provides videos of just about anything you can think of for just about any different subject. YouTube would be a great way to implement some fun into a lesson in the classroom by showing videos of things that might interest them about a certain topic. This will also help those auditory and visual learners. There is one challenge that might have to be faced when using this tool though. That challenge would be students trying to look up inappropriate videos in the classroom.
The second technology tool I would like to talk about is Prezi. Prezi is a website that allows someone to create a slide show sort of like power point. The difference between Prezi and Microsoft Power Point is that Prezi has more options for animations. The slide shows can look more creative than a regular power point presentation. I could use this tool in the classroom by creating informational slide shows to get certain things across to the students. A challenge that may be faced when using Prezi would be technology issues with the computer or the website.
TeacherTube is the last technology tool I want to talk about. TeacherTube provides informational videos to help teachers create lesson plans and to help teachers get information across to students. These are also two ways that TeacherTube could be used to implement instruction in the classroom. A challenge that may be faced when using TeacherTube would be, possible inadequate information oe students being uninterested.

Mobile Devices

In this module we have learned about different apps that can be used in the classroom by teachers and students. I found three of these apps ...